I have an aunt who may die any day from advanced Alzheimers. I am taking anger out on MoGlow, and yes it's an A hole thing to do, but I don't care
I just don't like her at all. She did some back handed stuff awhile back when I first joined "that site", by trying to
Here's what others think of her:
narcissism-support.blogspot.com/2009/01/ten-steps-to-freedom-from-narcissists.htmlAnonymous said...
Correction to my above post.
It should say that Moglow (the moderator at
outofthefog.net had banned the member who posted links to legitimate psychology sites and EDU sites.
Moglow, supported apparently by the other moderators, quickly deleted the women's post containing the links. And the women's follow up post that stated she had been banned by MoGlow.
They also accused this women of diagnosing people. Something the moderators do on a regular basis, without providing links, but refused to admit that they are the ones making diagnosis, without even bothering to back up their opinions.
The moderators all seem to think that they know more than properly accredited psychology professionals.
The moderators at
outofthefog.net also changed the rules suddenly to claim that no links were allowed in posts. This rule did not exist prior and thus the women would have no way of knowing that the rules had been changed.
Changing rules spontaneously to meet one's personal agenda is another narcissistic trait. ...just sayin' and I apologize for the rant.
It's just that I agree that many of these sites can be quite harmful or at least just plain worthless, particularly when they ban people for simply providing factual information backed up by links that support and verify the information.
About six months ago, a very knowledgable women was banned from the site for posting Edu Links about aspergers and other Personality disorders, by one of the moderators named MoGlow.
There is also a moderator known as Moglow, a divorced mother who used to work for her brother who has diagnosed her own mother (without professional counsel) as having NPD.
Moglow appears to be triggered by any member who posts links to reputable studies that negate Moglows personal opinions about NPD.
Another moderator known as 2bad has aspergers syndrome and true to this syndrome has very poor interpersonal skills....This moderator with Aspergers frequently becomes enraged by posts from traditional EDU sites that outline the traits of Aspergers syndrome.
It seems insane that any site would even consider appointing a person with aspergers syndrome as a moderator on a board for abused people, but Outofthefog.net truly has done this.
All these people are quick to ban anyone who disagrees with their own personal opinions regarding PDs or apergers, particularly when a member posts link to an edu site that supports the member's knowledge.
It seems that the site owners and moderators at out of the fog feel that their own experiences with a PD render their own conclusions more valid than the conclusions of Educators and thoroughly trained psychology professionals.
The moderator with aspergers frequently sees personal insults in generalized comments.
If a member disagrees with a moderator and posts supportive links to EDU sites that show that the moderators opinion is simply an opinion not backed by any credible research or logic....than that member will be banned.
I think these sites are harmful to people recovering from narcissistic abuse because it subjects them to further narcissistic abuse from the site owners and site moderators....all of whom obviously have severe psychological issues themselves and no psych training to help them overcome their own personal triggers.